Ending Scene AVENGERS INIFINITY WARS | All Death Scenes HD 2018

2018-04-27 1

Avengers: Infinity War – the death, the destruction and Thanos – discuss with spoilers
Will the post-credit sequence prove key? Is Josh Brolin’s Titan the villain the franchise has been waiting for? And how about that ending?

• WARNING: This article is for readers who have seen Avengers: Infinity War and contains major spoilers
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t is tempting to wonder quite how the bigwigs at Disney must have reacted when the ending of Avengers: Infinity War was first revealed to them. “So let me get this straight,” they might have said, visions of billions of dollars in lost merchandise revenue whirling in front of their eyes. “You’re going to kill off half of all the superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the only guy – Doctor Strange – capable of bringing them back?”

In terms of far-out creative decisions, this one is right up there with Luke Skywalker’s declaration in Star Wars: The Last Jedi that he wanted nothing to do with laser sword-wielding space monks. Except that this time, we have to wait a whole year – until the sequel to Infinity War – to see if there’s any way of reversing it.

Avengers: Infinity War review – colossal Marvel showdown revels in apocalyptic mayhem

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At least there were clues, hidden in the architecture of the Russo Brothers’ epic narrative, as to how we might get our MCU back. Here’s your chance to give a verdict on the movie’s key talking points, and perhaps offer up your own theories as to how Marvel are going to get out of this one.

The body count
Wow. Spider-Man gone, Star Lord gone, Black Panther gone. Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, Teenage Groot. The list goes on, and that’s just the superheroes who were destroyed with a click of Thanos’ fingers in that astonishing final scene on Wakanda as the mad Titan made good on his promise to destroy half of all life in the galaxy. We also lost Loki and Gamora earlier in the film.
El ocaso de los héroes, la derrota definitiva, el adiós a la realidad tal y como la conocemos. Luego de que se estrenara la tan esperada película Avengers Infinity War, muchas personas se quedaron impactadas al ver como muchos de sus personajes más queridos caían vencidos ante el ataque de Thanos y se despedían de sus vidas cerrando la tragedia más grande en la historia de Marvel Studios.

La cantidad de muertos que han habido en esta película ha sido muchísimo mayor a lo que se está acostumbrado en el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel, y es que la batalla final encierra a los pollitos con el 'rey del gallinero' mientras este los castiga a golpazos cada vez más duros.

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Bueno pues si decidiste seguir, aquí empezaremos con tu 'tortura'. En los primeros 20 minutos de Avengers Infinity War, se puede apreciar que la nave en la que Thor andaba con los asgardianos sobrevivientes al 'Ragnarok' es atacada por la

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